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WELCOME 2017!!

Hello Beautiful, Fresh, New JANUARY 2017!

You can feel the new beginnings in the air!

Whether you are consciously committing to a new lifestyle change this year, or more gently riding this wave of fresh energy with a dash of hopeful excitement for what's to come... we have a few powerful suggestions for how to transition out of the initial stages of "believing" things will change, and step up to the plate of true change!

The trick is to step out of your comfort zone, and stay there until it gets comfortable. Easier said than done, I know. Luckily, I have a secret weapon to share with you. NSA Chiropractic works to unwind old patterns of tension and resistance to allow new intentions to unfold without too much rebellion! ;)

With this awesome support system on our side, let's dive into the 8-step manifestation plan to step into true CHANGE this year!

1. Outline the exact results you want to see unfold for yourself this year. See it, feel it, know it.

2. Decide what you are willing to give / commit in return for this desirable outcome.

3. Choose the date by which you choose to have your desired outcome.

4. Design a plan for how to be there more frequently!

5. Write down a specific, present-tense statement to sum up your desire, i.e. 'I am fit, healthy, stronger and more at peace with my body than ever before! I am now stepping into my ideal weight of xxxlbs. To achieve this, I commit to practicing yoga for 1hr/day by June, 2017. I commit to practicing for 5-15min/day in January, 15/30min/day in February, 30min/day in March....'

6. Now, GET EXCITED!!! Visualize it, feel it, know it, let it wash over you, experience it now!

7. Read your statement before sleeping and upon awakening, and tune into that good, good feeling of being there now!

8. CELEBRATE reaching your goals every step of the way! Celebrating is playful and fun and very strategical, as the subconscious mind tends to react with childlike enthusiasm to positive reinforcements of its behaviour. Thus, when you celebrate the small successes you will have an easier time of staying on track towards the larger goal!

If you've set a goal for yourself this new year and you're coming in for NSA Chiropractic support, we'd love to hear about it!

Consciously or not, we all make resolutions each year. They may be small or they might be grand but our intentions to improve are always present. Goals are great because they inspire us to make the kinds of changes that get us excited to live our lives! Whether your goal is to educate yourself in something new, live healthier, be more financially abundant, or improve your loving relationships, you can achieve it if you know it to be a potential truth for you!

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